Preventive dental check-ups in daycare centers
In brief
Preventive dental check-ups in daycare centers are carried out by the Jena Child and Adolescent Dental Service.
The examination is offered annually in all daycare centers. The aim is to detect tooth decay, gum disease and dental anomalies at an early stage in the familiar atmosphere of the daycare center.
This is a voluntary examination offer. The consent of the parents/guardians to the examination and the associated transfer of the child's data to the public health department is necessary and is given in a written declaration at the daycare center.
The examination takes place in the daycare center in the presence of the educators. The presence of parents/guardians is also possible, but not necessary.
The child's dental passport should be handed in on the day of the examination.
The results of the examination will not be discussed with the teachers. The parents/guardians will be informed in writing. All personal data is subject to the rules of medical confidentiality and the Data Protection Act.
Irrespective of the examination at the daycare center, a check-up at the family dentist should be carried out twice a year from the first tooth. Slowly getting used to the environment of a dental practice will save a lot of anxiety in the event of treatment.
Opening hours
Tag |
Zeiten |
Donnerstag | 14:00 – 17:00 Uhr |
Dies ist keine öffentliche Sprechstunde. Bitte immer Termine zu den oben genannten Zeiten unter der Nummer 0049 3641 49-3283 oder über gesundheitsamt@jena.de vereinbaren.