School examination of pupils
The specialist health service carries out serial examinations of pupils in all Jena schools.
As part of school health care, pupils in grades 4 and 8 at all types of schools are examined by the pediatric and adolescent medical service during school hours.
In addition, pupils at sports high schools and pupils with special educational needs are examined at least every two years (usually in grades 2, 6 and 10).
The pediatric and adolescent medical service represents the health concerns of the pupils to the school in the sense of a company doctor.
The examination takes place at the school.
Examination procedure
- Hearing and eye test
- Measurement of height and body weight
- Physical examination
- Vaccination check and vaccination advice
All data collected is of course subject to medical confidentiality.
Pupils receive the examination results as a written notification for their legal guardians in a sealed envelope.
Appointments are made with the schools for the screening of the individual classes during school hours.
Pupils receive a questionnaire with an invitation from the school as well as an information sheet on the examination and data protection.
If a pupil is absent, this compulsory examination will take place - if possible - with another class in the school or after a written invitation to the health department (Gesundheitsamt).
- Completed questionnaire (students receive this from the school or can be downloaded here)
- vaccination card
Opening hours
Es gibt keine öffentliche Sprechstunde. Bitte vereinbaren Sie einen Termin mit einem Ansprechpartner.
Legal basis
- §§ Sections 55 and 57 of the Thuringian School Act (ThürSchulG) in conjunction with Sections 1 to 4 of the Thuringian School Health Care Ordinance (ThürSchulgespflVO)
- §§ Sections 119 and 120 of the Thuringian School Regulations (ThürSchulO)